Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mini Hybrid 'Pheasant' just like feathers..
N.Heart Music [several clones available from time to time]

For growing notes see also;

& Beautiful plants in the shade house; A Growing Obsession.........

N.Pheasant*N.Sunday Best*N.Don Beadle*N.Triclour Perfecta *N.Heartmusic are just a few more plants coming up on the eBay listings.
**NB***The photo here of N.Heartmusic2 shows mature adult plants. Prior to this stunning display of intense violet, this form of N.Heartmusic has prominant mesh like squiggles & banding on the younger plant before becoming almost totally inundated by this stunning violet. A fascinating plant of many phases. Unfortunalely the high sheen on this plant makes it difficult to see the brilliant design on the leaves, that can be more easily seen on younger plants.
Have added here another image of N.Don Beadle to show the great designs on the underside of the leaf. Plants here are all still young as presently I don't have fully mature plants of these ones to show. They all do however color beautifully as young plants and add to a long lasting display.
Brookreflections Bromeliads & Exotics

Happy Growing

Monday, March 24, 2008

N.Sam Smith

N.Princess Di-Immature plant colors further to an intense almost dazzling cherry pink in the center.

1/N.Treasure Chest
2/N.Sam Smith
3/N.Morado [Banded form]
4/N.Princess Di
5/N.Stars & Bars USA